Saturday, February 19, 2011

The reason why I started to write this blog was because I was alone in the forest with an old monk who had not much idea about the Dhamma and who didn’t speak English anyway and I didn’t speak Thai. My teacher had left to America and I had no one to talk to. I reckoned that my teacher would eventually read a blog if I would write one and somehow guide me if it would be necessary. Don’t know if it worked.
Now, being Bhikkhuni it’s much more difficult to write about experiences made in meditation, there are rules which I can easily break.
Even if I write 100 times “this experience does not mean I’m enlightened”, someone may not read it and think I’m boosting with my attainments - which, honestly, never was my intention. If it sounded as if, please forgive, I was and am defiled and conceited. So, for this and for the reason I already mentioned: by making stories out of things a sense of self is being manifested as “I am”, “this is my experience”, “this I have been through” ... keeping me attached to this “I” more than a silly nun, who just wishes to let go of the sense of self, can cope with.

The past is past.

For now until further notice I will not continue the blog. The story of the silly nun came to an end (which does {unfortunately :o)} not mean that I became enlightened.)Later I will continue here or start another blog in farther future to share the Dhamma and where’s and what’s. I’ll let you know.

Friends and family– as well as those who have questions on the Dhamma and think I could answer them – can write to my e-mail . I’m not online often but will answer as soon as possible.

If anybody wants to practice meditation I recommend to come to Wat Rampoeng, in North Thailand, this is where I am now and I can recommend the center and the teacher and the meditation method taught there.

For all who read this, I wish you the best of luck. May you always be in conditions to learn and grow on the spiritual path, may you have faith that nibbana is possible.
Do the right thing.


David said...

You are being ridiculous. You should not stop writing your blog. To use your logic, we should never use the word "I" even if we were dying of thirst we would not say "I need water" because it would draw attention to us as an individual. You are practicing the Jain way, not the Buddhist way.

The Buddhist path is the Middle Way between extremes. Buddha said "I" and he told stories about himself and yet you would not say he was conceited. He was skillful at using the Relative "I", his experiences, to illuminate the Ultimate "Not-I."

When the Buddha debated whether or not to teach, he decided that not to share his stories would be selfish. Are you better than Gautama? You feel so privileged that you can lock yourself up, hide behind a wall, and deprive others of your insights? What if someone were to read one of your stories and it helped them understand something that had brought them suffering for a long time. Are you sure that you are justified in refusing such help?

This is the first time I have come to this blog. I hope you don't mind that I presented the other side of this to you. It's your decision. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

It is good to shut down this blog. You tend to write alot of confused and shameless nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you have your path and am grateful for what you have shared in this blog. Good luck.

Volvo S40 Turbo said...

You have really done a great work to share the hidden art of the great man. It is really a nice work by them. Thanks a lot for this

Maria Cavalcanti said...

Pañca-sila - The Five Precepts

1. I undertake the precept to refrain from destroying living creatures.

2. I undertake the precept to refrain from taking that which is not given.

3. I undertake the precept to refrain from sexual misconduct.

4. I undertake the precept to refrain from incorrect speech.

5. I undertake the precept to refrain from intoxicating drinks and drugs which lead to carelessness.

— AN 8.39

Anonymous said...

The Buddha Precept: No unlawful sexual intercourse


An Australian newspaper published yesterday: "Buddhists come out for equality“ informing that the 'Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils (FABC), representing Buddhist laypeople, and the Australian Sangha Association, representing Buddhist clergy, both put their support on the record. Buddhist monk Bhante Sujato spoke on behalf of both groups.” Read it at:

Now, Bhikkhu Sujato should include in his homosexuality statement of principles the facts presented at “Medical consequences of what homosexuals do”, by Paul Cameron, Ph.D.: